A Young Achievement Australia Biotechnology Entrepreneur ™ Company  
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Bio21 Institute

The Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne Opened in June 2005, the Bio21 Institute is a world-class research facility focused on improving health through innovation in life sciences, the environment and biotechnology. Linking multi-disciplinary research, platform technology and industry, the Institute will drive innovation in discovery and development and support Australia's growing biotechnology community. Helping emerging companies grow and develop in a nurturing environment is a key focus for the Institute.

The Bio21 Institute is pleased to support this year's YAA BEP™ group 'Scyagenics'.

For more information on the Bio21 Institute, visit http://www.bio21.org



The Ludwig Institute For Cancer Research LICR

The Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (LICR) is the largest, non-profit institute that is dedicated to understanding and controlling cancer. Reaching world-wide with nine branches in seven countries, the research in the LICR not only engages leading scientists and clinicians, but also collaborates with many other distinguished academic institutions. LICR is committed to bring together leaders in Science and Oncology by integrating innovative, basic and clinical research in multidisciplinary fields.

The Melbourne Branch has close ties to the University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital. Research at the Melbourne Branch includes Growth Factors and Cancer, Cell Signalling, Proteomics, Lymphangiogenesis, Colon Cancer Bioinformatics and Genetics. Directed by Professor Tony Burgess, the Melbourne Branch was established in Parkville in 1980.

For further information on the Melbourne Branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, visit http://www.ludwig.edu.au/branch/index.htm.




Scyagencis would like to extend our appreciation to :

Miss Belinda Parslow, for the specially-designed mascot, the SLUG™;

Mr Lester Jude Sta Maria, the Director of SantaMaria Creations, for the design and use of the Scyagenics Logo. Email lesterstamaria@yahoo.co.uk for more information.

Send mail to scyagenics@gmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2007 SCYAGENICS
Last modified: 11/11/07